WE HIS 3351-001 19th Century European Culture & Society

CRN 23718 MWF 2:00-2:50 pm Dr. Johnson

This writing-enriched course is designed to improve your writing while examining aspects of the history of European culture and society during the nineteenth century. We will use a variety of readings, both fictional and non-fictional, dealing with three main areas: political revolutions, industry and social class divisions, and the social impact of biological and psychological theories. Each week will feature discussions of primary-source readings, with occasional oral reports presented by students based on their papers. Writing assignments will include two 5-page papers, occasional shorter critiques of the reading for discussion purposes (1-2 pages each), one in-class essay, and a final essay examination. Take-home assignments may be revised after initial evaluation by the instructor.

The following is a list of required books, available in inexpensive paperback editions; some additional short readings will be available on library reserve or on-line:

Georg Buchner, "Danton's Death" and "Woyzeck" (plays) (Oxford)

Anatole France, The Gods Will Have Blood (Penguin)

Friedrich Engels, The Condition of the Working Class in England [in 1844] (Oxford)

Thorstein Veblen, Theory of the Leisure Class (Dover)

H. G. Wells, The Time Machine (Dover)

Sigmund Freud, Dora; An Analysis of a Case of Hysteria (Simon & Schuster)